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Gewurztraminer Wine Details

Description: Right off the bat, the nose shows well brimming with floral, wet stone and mineral. It is a medium bodied wine that boasts a nice viscosity, the right amount of acid and a touch of residual sugar to balance. The palate shows notes of white tree fruit and kiwi leading to a finish of fruit, lime leaf and citric acid. Gewürztraminer compliments foods that carry a touch of spice or heat. This is a simple recipe for a Thai style Green curry that should play along with the flavours of the wine nicely. A shortcut can be taken by replacing the homemade curry paste, by substituting with a couple of tablespoons of canned green curry paste, available at any Asian food supplier.

Varietal Definition
Cultivated for over a thousand years, this white-wine grape (sometimes referred to simply as Traminer) is thought to have originated in the village of Tramin (or Temeno) in Italy’s Alto Adige region. Gewürztraminer grapes are planted in Alsace, a French region between Germany and France that specializes in excellent dry Gerwürztraminer wines. They’re also cultivated in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and Ukraine. Because they perform better in cooler climates, Gewürztraminer grapes have not done well in many of California’s warmer growing regions. However, they thrive in cooler California areas such as Carneros, Anderson Valley, and Monterey County, as well as in parts of Oregon and Washington. The German word ‘gewürz’ means ‘spiced,’ and these wines are known for their crisp, spicy attributes. They’re highly fragrant, with flavor characteristics of litchis, roses, and spices such as cloves and nutmeg. Gewürztraminer wines are available in varying degrees of sweetness -- dry, medium-sweet, and late harvest. Because of the grape’s pinkish (sometimes yellow) pigment, Gewürztraminer wines are some of the more deeply colored of the whites, many have gold or peach tones. The distinctive color and aroma of these wines make them easily recognizable by those familiar with this varietal wine.


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