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Beaujolais cle Pierre

Beaujolais cle Pierre Wine Details
Price: $9.00 per bottle

Description: irect from our winemaker Philippe's uncle's vineyard in France, a small, traditional winery like ours. Uncle Pierre's Beaujolais is grown on a mild slope covered with flint stones. The "earthy" taste is specifically related to the soil and is known as "terroir." This wine is made in the traditional Beaujolais style and is a light bodied, classy wine. Fruit is reminiscent of dried cherries and balanced nicely with depth and complexity.

Varietal Definition
Gamay Beaujolais:
The Gamay Beaujolais grape is a widely grown, early-ripening clone of Pinot Noir that can do well in the temperate climates of the northwest U.S. and if picked promptly will produce a good red wine.


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