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Flying Suitcase Wines
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Raspberry Regale - California Raspberry Wine
Made from the finest Raspberries with raspberry brandy added. Bottled in imported French bottles. Intense raspberry flavor without the syrup of other brands.(375ML)
Royale Hawaiian Pineapple Rum
Made from Hawaii sugar cane molasses with natural pineapple flavoring, bottles in attractive Imported French Bottles. This is the first an original Pineapple Rum - a fruity rum spirit with rich pineapple taste.
Saint James Spirits Grappa
Made from California grown Zinfandel grape pumace. Bottled in imported Italian bottles. Lots of fruit, spices and zest! (375ML)
Saint James Spirits Kirsch (Eau de Vie)
Made from 100% California Grown Bing Cherries, bottled in attractive imported French bottles. Intense Cherry Flavor without the medicinal taste of other brands. (375ML)
Saint James Spirits Pineapple Brandy
Made from select Hawaiian pineapples bottled in attractive Imported French Bottles. Possesses delicate aroma of pineapples without overpowering overtones. (375ML)
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