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Mount Bullion Vineyard

Mount Bullion Vineyard We spend the day together working in our vineyard. We work harder than ever and couldn’t have found a better way to spend our time. We just didn’t retire, we're starting a new gratifying chapter in our lives. Harold & I started growing grapes in the Sierra Foothills in 1997. From that experience we have become a bonded winery, selling our Estate bottled Zinfandel, Chappell Vineyard Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon as well as a Sturm-Gardner Cabernet Sauvignon. All these grapes are grown in Mariposa County. Many residents refer to Mariposa County as "above the fog, below the snow, where time stands still". Although very lively in the 1850’s as gold was discovered, many came to make their fortune including John & Jessie Fremont. Our vineyard is located on the Fremont’s legendary Las Mariposas Grant. Many of our residents are descendent from those gold seekers and share keeping our historical values alive. When Harold & I were searching for a name for our winery, we wanted a name to express a connection to Mariposa’s rich past, a name that showed stability and good fortune. We choose Mount Bullion Vineyard for two reasons. "Old Bullion" Jesse Fremont’s Fathers nickname as a US Senator for Missouri, was the name that the Fremont’s choose for the highest ridge overlooking their home in Bear Valley. Secondly, the cool air atop Mount Bullion settles into our vineyard each evening, which cools the grapes and prolongs maturity adding complex flavors unique to our vineyard. Our 15 year old Zinfandels are suited perfectly for the climate and soil condition of this valley along scenic Highway 49. These Zinfandel vines are hardy, produce small amounts of fruit per acre and make an absolutely wonderful wine. Harold & I are stewards of 6 acres of these vines. We prune, we trellis and train, we watch their growth through the seasons, we do all the picking, pressing, and bottling. We just love it. Please come for a tasting, picnic in our oak grove, play bocce ball, horseshoes or relax and enjoy learning about our family made wine. We have our Estate bottled Zinfandel and the Chappell Vineyard Cabernet Franc available for purchase. Our next release in the spring of 2005 will be our 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon, but we will have barrel tasting available now for you to experience. This summer we gladly welcome you to our vineyard most days by appointment. Please call 209-377-8450.

The Vineyard is located at 6947 State Highway 49 N. in Mt Bullion. It is 9 miles north of the intersection of Highways 140 and 49 in the town of Mariposa.

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6947 State Highway 49 N., Mariposa, CA, US, 95338 Email:
Phone: 209-377-8450 Web:
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  Cabernet Franc
This “Best of Show” gold medal winning Cabernet Franc is one you should try. This 100% Cabernet Franc is spicy and lively and goes well with grilled meat or try it with lamb.
  Cabernet Sauvignon
This Cabernet Sauvignon is warm and smooth harvested in mid-October at 3000' near Yosemite National Park. Aged nearly two years in American and French oak adding character and complexity. Enjoy with friends during the Holidays.
  Estate Zinfandel
Our 2004 Estate Zinfandel is produced in the Old World tradition with a fruit-filled taste and an overture of richness. A great cheese, fresh fruit and a glass of Zinfandel makes a wonderful appetizer. A very big wine


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