
theCompass mobile application is a winery, brewery, and distillery locator for North America.

Moo-Duck Brewery

Moo-Duck Brewery The story of Moo-Duck Brewery is a fairly common one in today's craft beer scene. Someone gets a homebrew kit as a birthday present. Someone brews extract kits and the beer is pretty good. Someone moves to all-grain and begins forming their own recipes. Someone becomes obsessed with homebrewing. Someone gets requests from friends and family to make them beer. Someone enters a few homebrew competitions and wins some awards. Someone decides it is a good idea to open a brewery. The someone in this story is owner and brewer Mike Brubaker, the mastermind behind Moo-Duck. As a homebrewer, Mike developed a passion for brewing unique beer, and one of his favorite aspects of brewing was sharing this beer with friends and family. Opening a brewery has not changed this. Mike still enjoys brewing unique beer, but now he has a lot more friends to share the beer with!


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79 S Wilson Avenue, Elizabethtown, PA, US, 17022 Email:
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